Episode Fifty-Five | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Sorry for the delay, but at least it’s finally here!


Households of all kinds lived within the long line of huge buildings around here. They were far within the skies like solemn mountains’ defending the town.

It was different from how I remembered it, but it still gave me a bit of nostalgia.

When I first came here I didn’t have to chance to soak in all of its beauty. The scenery was just memorizing.

I had come to miss this scenery; perhaps this had become another hometown for me.

The cold, morning air was hitting my face as the sun just started to climb over the mountains and shine into the town. Continue reading “Episode Fifty-Five | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou”

Episode Fifty-Four | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Are you proud of me guys ;-;

A comment was confused on the exact date for the chapter. So, the exact date for the next chapter is 2/9 (15th heh…)/2018. My editor shall work on it on Wednesday or Thursday, though. So perhaps it’ll be done earlier – we’ll see!


I am completely and utterly exhausted with Makoto’s schemes.

While it may seem like her actions are rather simple, her thought process is actually a lot more complicated than that.

She’s a beautiful girl no one can complain there, but with the way she carries herself, nobody would question she is an airhead.

But the truth is, she is actually very bright by holding the best grades in our High School. It is also obvious she doesn’t study any more than I.

So with all things considered, there is the possibility that her intelligence far suppresses mine. In other words, it would be dangerous to underestimate her. But no matter how much I tell myself that, whenever I see her foolish face I cannot help but relax.

And with that,

“I have successfully been captured and definitely was exploited.”

I mutter as I hear two people breathing in their sleep.

After my bath, I had originally intended to get under the covers and fastly fall asleep. Makoto also intended for that to happen. But due to her refusal to untie me, that just wasn’t happening.

No, I am tired enough to attempt it, but there is another problem.

This is the second time today that I’ve fallen into this state of emergency. Continue reading “Episode Fifty-Four | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou”

Episode Fifty-Three | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Here you go after so long.  I had to edit this myself, so if you find any errors please let me know. Thank you and have a wonderful day~

Head down the pathway while holding onto a wall.

My steps are shaky and my vision is a bit blurry.

By learning a lot of things just now, I realize I know nothing.

How should I go about my life now? Should I take my brother’s advice and I simply become the new Kijima head. Continue reading “Episode Fifty-Three | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou”

Episode Fifty Two | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

I’m back on the translating page! Finally.

EDIT: Next chapter coming next Friday.

How long has it been since I’ve locked myself in the bathroom? About fifteen minutes have already passed by.

I know I can’t delay the inevitable. I will eventually have to come out of here.

But I just can’t process the fact that my mother has really been in the other room. I did expect my brother to not head home, but I would’ve never thought that my mother was here. Continue reading “Episode Fifty Two | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou”

Episode Fifty One | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

I was dumbfounded and confused with what my brother had just told me.

“Makoto…no, I can’t afford to up and leave her.”

Makoto is different. If I left, she would become useless. No, not just useless, but not able-to-talk useless. Continue reading “Episode Fifty One | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou”

Episode Fifty | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

“B, Big brother, are you really okay?”

My brother’s eyes were moderately clumped with tears when he took out tissues from his pocket.

“M, Mhm, don’t be frightened. I just had hit my nose. I’m really okay, Aoi.”

While sitting down on the bench, my brother looked up towards the dark sky with his nose held up by his right hand. Continue reading “Episode Fifty | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou”

Episode Forty-Nine | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

The daylight shining through the curtain’s gap began to turn into a dark, red color.

God knows how long I’ve been in this position with heads on lap. It’s made my butt sore.

“Uuun…Aoi-shan, Aoi-shan lweik’s Makoto’s brewsts, hehe.”

Naked underneath the blanket, Makoto’s cheeks were flushed as she giggled, drops of drool falling from her bottom lip. Continue reading “Episode Forty-Nine | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou”

Episode Forty-Eight | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Yeah. My last school is becoming more than I can handle, and I rather not waste all my free time to translating. So I decided in order to give me more time to relax, have my editors work on the chapter, and get my school done without sacrificing my grades, I decided I will push chapters to either Thursday or Fridays.

Also, I haven’t finished reviewing this chapter a second time. So if you find mistakes, let me know and I’ll put them in when I update this chapter. Continue reading “Episode Forty-Eight | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou”

Episode Forty-Six | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Sorry that this is so late. My editor, main one, is going to be away for pretty much all month long. As such, I will be taking this vacation of my editor as time to focus on more projects I’ve been keeping hidden. So if it wasn’t already understood, I will be taking a month or less off aside from maybe occasionally posting My World Guide Book, since that may be easy to pull off in 3 days without distractions. Anyways, enjoy this chapter.

Continue reading “Episode Forty-Six | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou”

Episode Forty-Five | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

I apologize that this chapter is quite late. I was trying to do stuff for the website and my editors weren’t able to get the chapter done on time (Some is still not edited to where I want it, but I didn’t want to delay it any longer.)  On the website note, how are you liking it so far? I thought the pink as a bit unseeable at some parts, but that may just be me.

Away from that question, I’m also going to be going back to school on the 8th, so I’ve been trying to get my honors project done before next weekends. Nevertheless, I’ll try to continue at the same pace (perhaps go back to posting on Wednesdays.) I cannot make any promises, though. I’ll be entering a college program next year, so I got a lot on my plate with taking the EOCs to graduate from high school first. Anyway, excuse my rambling and enjoy the chapter. Continue reading “Episode Forty-Five | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou”